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Castor Fu

Master of Music in Piano Performance, Royal College of Music, London

Bachelor of Arts (Music), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

LTCL with Distinction

Castor Fu studied piano and fortepiano performance. His major mentors included Ma Cong Andrew, Andrew Zolinsky, Geoffrey Govier and Stanley Hoogland. He received his professional music training firstly in the Chinese University of Hong Kong where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Music. He was awarded the gold prize from the 2009 Asia International Piano Academy & Festival in South Korea. During the festival, he was under the tutelage of Ichiro Kato from the Kunitachi College of Music. He then pursued his postgraduate study at the Royal College of Music and graduated with a Master of Music degree in piano performance.

Fu had given performances at the London St Marry Abbots Church during his stay in the United Kingdom. After returning to Hong Kong, he worked with the Musica Viva (Hong Kong) and performed in one of its chamber music series at the Hong Kong City Hall Theatre in 2012. He was once invited to be the guest performer for the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards. Besides, Fu is passionate in piano duet. He gave piano duet performances at the Macau Cultural Centre Small Auditorium and for the music series organized by Musica del Cuore – HK. Apart from performing, He was invited as the adjudicator for the ‘Hong Kong Students Open Music Competition’ and the ‘Macao – Asia Pacific Youth Piano Competition’. Fu is now active for performing and piano tutoring in Hong Kong.

傅嘉聰師隨香港鋼琴家馬驄學藝,於香港中文大學音樂系接受音樂專業訓練並獲音樂(榮譽)文學士學位。其後赴韓國參加亞洲國際鋼琴節,獲日本國立音樂大學教授加藤一郎指導,並於該鋼琴節獲得金獎。及後傅氏赴英國倫敦皇家音樂學院進修鋼琴及古鋼琴演奏,師從Andrew Zolinsky丶Geoffrey Govier及Stanley Hoogland,並獲得演奏碩士學位。


傅氏在旅英期間,曾於倫敦聖瑪利雅博教堂作演出。修畢碩士學位後,他曾參與非凡美樂所舉辦的室內樂音樂會作演出,亦曾受邀於香港藝術發展獎頒獎禮作表演嘉賓。傅氏亦醉心於鋼琴二重奏,他曾於澳門文化中心小劇院及為Musica del Cuore – HK作四手聯彈演出。除演奏外,傅氏曾為「全港學生公開音樂比賽」及澳門亞太青少年鋼琴公開比賽擔任評判。傅氏現於香港積極從事鋼琴演奏與教育工作。

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